Sunday, December 29, 2013


This felt challenging, but better than a few weeks ago.  Still without asthma meds.  I get periodic early AM breathlessness.  Starts usually between 2 and 4am.  If I get up then, I do fine.  If I try to "stay asleep" the tight breathing makes me anxious and sleep is useless.  Energy in workouts and through out day have been fine.  I often nap heavy in the mid-afternoon.

10 min @80%: 3+36
16 toes to bar 1st UB, then 8/4/4 for others
350m row
2 stone over shoulder 150#
rest 4 min
10 min @80%: 1+62
2 rope climbs 12'
20 wall balls 2x10, squats were deep and comfortable

80 double unders
Very broken, having some issues still co-ordinating ANY heavy breathing with good reps.  I KNOW I can get 10, but beyond that gets dicey as breathing increases.
rest 4 min
10 min @80%: 2+ 180
30m SA FW L 135# - Good
30m SA FW R 135# - Good
250m ski
10 chin ups supinated BF C2B
rest 4 min
10 min @80%: 1+10.4
0.4 mile AD
20 continental cleans 115# - Mostly 3's TnG
200m run
rest 4 min
10 min @80%: 3+13
16 toes to bar Same as prior, slightly slower rowing and transitions likely made the difference.  Could have pushed faster here, but wanted to just go on "feel" instead of looking at the pace/round
350m row
2 stone over shoulder


This was the 5 year anniversary of moving to Asheville.  I am FAR fitter than I was then!

AM Most of the data was unfortunately erased before I could get the picture
A. Front squat @20X1; 2-2-1-1-1-1; rest 3-4 min - I worked to 180# for Doubles and Singles at 185#, each with 4 minutes rest

B. Power clean 1.1x7; rest 20 sec/rest 2:30 - This was eye-opening - 235# was challenging, but capable.  225# was recovered in closer to 90 seconds, and 240# couldn't get the double, but was about 60s to recover for the 2nd (instead of 20s)

The relative recovery from a 240# power clean, and a 185# front squat is amazing.  I'm still not sure what to make of it, but I feel better and better squatting, and I feel in control in the other movements as well.
EMOM for 20 min
odd - 6 TnG deadlifts 255# Again able to hold the Double overhand.  This was a challenging and good effort

even - 2-5 pHSPU - - Pleased with the continued progress here.

PM This felt good and a huge challenge for the ribs and diaphragm.  Again, with the recovery I felt my effort was less than maximal, and certainly a good bit lower than what I've been doing in those types of efforts.  But the ROM recovery was reduced immediately following and recovered following rest periods Efforts felt appropriate for each.
4 sets:
6 burpees AFAP
25 sec row sprint 137/138/136/135
rest 4:45
5 sets:
3 push press TnG 155# Done with axle
5 npubbj 20" AFAP
AD sprint 30 sec calories
rest 5 min

Friday, December 27, 2013


A. Power snatch - build to a TnG 3RM - 165 - Still improving and getting more comfortable again
B. Deadlift TnG 205#x8 EMOM for 8 min - A solid challenge, took about a minute to fully recovery from the last set, so was still on pace
C. GH raises @20X1; 5-8x5; rest 90 sec - (3 minute recovery from last set) - Was feeling great on these, and with full recovery from each set started added a little loading.  Little to no clicking in the knee

2 sets:
Found some really interesting panic/anxiety with this breathing, that I once thought was coupled with fatigue, but recovery was continually spot on so felt more comfortable pushing thru the anxiety.  Heading into the last set I thought for sure I wouldn't be able to maintain the breathing rate, but stuck with it, and felt solid.

5 min @80% - 2+11, 2+12 (each ~4 minutes to recovery)
9 burpees
5 thrusters 100#
30 double unders

rest 4 min
5 min @80% -
5+8, 5+1 (7-8 Minutes recovery from last set - was near puking on this one, the toes to bar were all UB but certainly were the most burning piece of this, and I believe led to the puke feeling)
8 box jumps 24"
8 toes to bar
5 deadlifts 115#
rest 4 min

The standing flexion testing is really showing where I push when I shouldn't, and hold back when I shouldn't… eye opening and enjoyable to feel.

Wednesday, December 25, 2013


Today was busy, so I fit in the squats in am, overhead in pm, and did the rest over an extended am session on Xmas day
A. Back squat @32X1; 3-4x5; rest 3 min; all sets at 185 with rxd rest - and no recovery after the 2 reps after 5 minutes.  An increase in volume over the previous week.

B. Jerk balance light 3 reps for 2-4 sets 125#
C. Push jerk 3 TnG EMOM for 10 min 185# - tough - felt some better mid back extension and better support in the legs for this.

4 sets:
75 double unders
15 CTB chin ups
12 wall balls
10 burpees

rest 2 min  moved to the second part as the Xmas day am.

10 min aerobic warmup ski 90s and long step lunges x 20-24
4 sets:
6 npubbj 16"
30 sec row hard
rest 4:30 152 (rest 3:30), 154, 158 (rest 5min), 160 (rest 5 min)
4 sets:
6 kb snatch 2pd/arm

AD 30 sec hard
rest 4:30 calories, all rest as Rx

4 sets:
75 double unders
15 CTB chin ups supinated and butterfly
12 wall balls
10 burpees

rest 2 min 4:06, 3:55, 4:48 (doubles unders slowed, tried to make up for it in other part and dug too much of a hole), significant diaphragm tension, difficulty breathing, and not recovered after ~12 minutes.  Decided to move on to next piece.  Had recovered by the end if that.

35 min AD Z1 - every 5 min do 3 ub mu done as Rx - 217 cals and fluid on the muscles ups

60-90 min walk/yoga

Sunday, December 22, 2013


Breathing was tough upon waking this morning, but felt much freer after the workout.

12 min @80%: 1+109
100 double unders
25 CTB chin ups
10 power cleans 155# in 2 ub sets of 5
500m row
rest 5 min
12 min @80%: 4 in 12:13
15 kb swings 2pd
12 burpees
200m run
rest 5 min
12 min @80%: 3+35.4 - wall balls were broken into to sets after the first round, working on getting very deep on the squat, felt much faster into and out of squat than previous weeks.
20 wall balls 20# to 10ft
15 hr pushups
0.3 mile AD
rest 5 min
12 min @80%: 1+5 - first set of double unders were not good.  After about 80 I realized that I was looking down, with slouched shoulders and that was throwing off my rope timing.  Good lesson on that!
100 double unders
25 CTB chin ups
10 power cleans 155# in 2 ub sets of 5
500m row


Started with a build to triple of Continental Clean - got to 205# x 3, a comfortable PR

A. Front squat @20X1; 2-3x5; rest 2:30 or as needed - 165#, 170, 175 (rested 3:30), 175 (rested 3:30), 180x2 - These never felt like I couldn't do another rep, but final rep felt slower and not as crisp, and there was always a reduction in ROM post effort.  Rested until ROM returned.  There are apparently some major compensations in my squatting that allows me to grind out efforts using other body parts, but perhaps they cause me to create a glass ceiling in my squatting capacity.  I will continue to keep this testing as the limit, so long as I continue to show incremental gains in volume, intensity, and density over time.  Video is one of the 175# sets with pre and post ROM testing to show the change.

B. Power clean 1.1.1x6; rest 20 sec/rest 3 min or as needed 205 (rested 2min); 215, 220, 225, 230 (rested 4:30), 230 Videos of warm up at 185# and first set of 230 with pre/post ROM testing.  Notice 185# doesn't have a change, and 230 has significant change

EMOM for 18 min
odd - 4 TnG deadlifts 275# Double overhand grip challenging, but doable.
even - 2-5 pHSPU - These felt good

4 sets:
6 rebounding box jumps (short, high turnover) 20"
100m sprint
rest 4 min didn't time these, but all powerful, quick, and 3:30-4min recovery
4 sets:
3 TnG cleans Did as a Log clean TnG from Ground - 175#
5 burpees AFAP
AD sprint 25 sec
rest 4:30 - 13, 16 (Rested 7 minutes), 16 (At 12 minutes was still length of palm distance away from full recovery, called the set)

Friday, December 20, 2013


A. Power snatch - build to a TnG 5RM - 145# - Feeling good there; felt quick and strong to get under the bar.  Made too big a jump to 165#, hit the first and on the control down was a strong pull in left hamstring.  Standing flexion was reduced for a good 8 minutes after this, so called the sets at 145.
B. Deadlift TnG 185#x10 EMOM for 6 min - Felt great here.  Standing Flexion ROM was held steady at the end of the rest periods thru all 6 sets though took a great focus to keep mid back posture and double overhead grip.
C. GH raises @20X1; 5-7x5; rest 90 sec - felt better this week with the pad further up the thigh.  ROM was reduced immediately following each set, but returned by the end of rest period.
5 min @80% - 7 Rnds - 2.5 minutes to recover stand Flex ROM
5 hang power snatch 75# -
10 pushups
rest 4 min
5 min @80% 4+9 - 3 Minutes to recover ROM
7 thrusters 100# 75# - Didn't happen to notice the different weights for the BB work
7 toes to bar
rest 4 min
5 min @80% 6 Rounds - 2 minutes to recover ROM (could have worked harder and gotten back to 7)
5 hang power snatch 75# - 
10 pushups 
rest 4 min
5 min @80% 4+13 - 3.5 Minutes to recover ROM
7 thrusters 100# 75#
7 toes to bar
rest 4 min

Interesting biofeedback on the intervals.  ROM recovery seemed to directly relate to outputs.  Breathing was the major factor here as I could feel my belly getting very tired, but perhaps there is some mental/emotional ties to that feeling that slows me down?

Wednesday, December 18, 2013


PM This was yesterday's PM done first thing today's AM
10 min aerobic warmup - Ski erg x 90 seconds and walking lunges x 16-20
4 sets:
5 box jumps 24" rebounding Increased height of box to 28, 32, and 36.  36" was challenging to rebound but did it.
25 sec row hard 140m, 136, 138, 140m
rest 4 min
3 sets:
5 ground to overhead 115# Log Ground to Overhead as viper press and clean push press as I fatigued.
AD 30 sec hard 15, 16, 18 cals
rest 4:30

30 min row Z1 - every 5 min do 1 rope climb 5880 meters… felt good to move steady

90 min yoga


AM Slept great.  Breathing was tough as I woke up, and stayed that way most of the day.

A. Back squat @32X1; 3-5x5; rest 3 min - Still testing pre and post set with standing flexion to determine stress loading from the squats.  Each set shows a 2-3" standing flexion ROM reduction, that returns to normal by the end of rest period, except last set does not return and I call it.  185 x 3, 5, 195 x 2, 190 x 4, 3, 3 - Knee felt good with this. Video 190#x4

B. Jerk balance light 3 reps for 2-4 sets Moved to the PM
C. Push jerk 4 TnG EMOM for 8 min
5 sets:
40 double unders
10 ub CTB chin ups Only UB on first set, as you can read below by inability to breathe sufficiently during these sets.
12 burpees
3 muscle-ups Unbroken, felt great with hips then arm pull and full open swing in bottom.
rest 2 min Breathing during the movements was very challenging today and slowed me down.  I had to rest in order to breathe, but felt incapable of breathing sufficiently during the sets, as evidenced by my pacing slow down.
2:13, 3:28, 3:55, 3:35, 3:30

B. Jerk balance light 3 reps for 2-4 sets 125#
C. Push jerk 4 TnG EMOM for 8 min - 175#

Sunday, December 15, 2013


In 30 Minutes Establish:

Front Squat 3RM - 225#; Felt Slow and tough, but got solid depth.  This was the best front squatting has felt since the hip issues  Video 225#
Snatch 2RM - 185#, had 205# overhead twice, but squatting comfort was the limiting factor.  Again, best that snatching has felt since the hip issues.   Video 185#
Chest to Bar Pull Up Max Reps - 35, 31 as butterfly and another four with standard kip.  This felt good... last PR was 33 a couple years ago at about 10# less body weight.

"285" - Not sure where the name came from, there aren't 285 reps in the workout - 
21:38 - Breathing felt rather challenged here; Lost the most time on Wall Balls as was doing sets of 6-8 and squatting was very slow.  This made it more taxing overall.
For time:
50 kbs - 2/1.5 pd
Walking Lunges x 50
50 Toes to Bar
Shoulder to Overhead x 50 - 95/65#
40 alternating DB Snatch - 70/45#
Wall Balls x 50 - 20/14# to 10 ft
30 Burpees

Saturday, December 14, 2013


Day 1 - big dawg winter challenge

A. 10 minutes to max standing broad jump - 9'1" - pleased with this
B.  10 minutes for 3 sets max double unders unbroken - 75, 37, 64, 57 - had trouble breathing and hitting the reps.  Felt a lot of tension btwn shoulder blades and rib cage.  

C. "WM-biathlon"
For time: 25:05
10 unbroken CJ - 135/85#
Row 1200 m 2:08 ave/500
10 unbroken CJ - 135/85#
Row 1200 m 2:10
10 unbroken CJ - 135/85#"
Row 1200 m 2:11
10 unbroken CJ - 135/85#
Row 1200 m 2:10
10 unbroken CJ - 135/85#
(Scored as total time; dq in place if athlete does not compete reps unbroken; no pause on ground) 
Pleased with this.  Clean and jerks were very comfortable, stayed very aerobic, transitions were fast.  


A. Snatch - build to a tough triple 165#, 175 for a single but missed the double twice.  Feeling steadily more comfortable in the knee again.
B. Standing broad jump - max in 10 min 8'9" - this felt good and was a pr from hs of 7'6"
2 sets @90%:
row 1200m
10 ub clean and jerks 135#
rest 3 min forgot to write down the times.  Went 1:42-1:46 pace on first, then the clean and jerks buried me for second set.  Couldn't recover my breathing and was rowing in the 2:20's on second set.

Without the use of medication for almost a week I am feeling more challenged to get breaths, but some regular manual therapy to the rib cage muscles is helping.  Knee is slowly improving, energy and mood continue to be good.


AD 35 cals @90%
rest walk 90 sec
x8 average watts for each set below.  Worked on deep forceful breaths on later sets and really felt a difference.

PM felt great, very relaxing
90 min yoga


A. Back squat @32X1; 3-5x4; rest 3:30; knee still a bit puffy, worked on cutting the sets as the rep slowed to back off the intensity a bit.  Then used standing flexion range to determine when I was recovered to hit another set and when to call the whole workout.  185#x3. - after each set standing flexion was reduced 2-3", then had recovered to full range following the rxd rest except for the last set.  Video last set.

B. Behind the neck push press - build to a max used standing flexion to determine when I was ready for another attempt.  Was usually about a minute or two longer than what I would normally rest btwn efforts.  Built to 220#, pr for this lift.
3 sets:
10 db snatch 75# (5/arm)
15 toes to bar
10 burpees
15 shoulder to overhead 95#
rest 90 sec; monitored standing flexion to see how each piece felt.  First set had no range change immediately following.  Second set had reduced 2-3 inches immediately following, but fully recovered by the 90 second mark.  Last set was reduced almost 4" and took 4.5 minutes to fully recover.  The level of effort was consistent with the time to recovery.

2:24, 2;27, 2:23

row 30 sec @90%
rest walk 30 sec
x6 837m without rollover
5 sets:
10 box jumps 28"
30 double unders very challenging after the box jumps.  Mental struggle on these and rather broken
rest 1 min 6:04 of work - knee was clicking a lot after this, with some extra swelling, but disappeared quick.
row 30 sec @90%
rest walk 30 sec
x6 880m without rollover

Sunday, December 8, 2013


Plan to cut back on asthma medication in an attempt to get some measure of health back.  In the recent training, I've been using medication daily to help my breathing compensate for a lack of recovery.  In 2011 I was able to go 3 months without meds, and then I started ignoring that and using the meds again so I could "train harder" more regularly.  Instead of pushing past what cortisol levels I have, then supplementing my lungs with corticosteroids, I'm going to try and get back to not using any medication again.  As such, I was a little tight in the lungs last night and this morning and couldn't go as hard during this training, but feel much better after it.

I plan to let my body improve without the aid of meds, instead of continually pushing past to see what I can do.  Mentally challenging, but good for me in the long-run.

16 min @80%: 2+400m in 16:30 - Felt very labored in my breathing during this set, 20 push ups were hard to breathe thru
400m run
20 pushups
50 double unders
15 wall balls 20# to 10ft
rest 6 min
16 min @80%: 4 Rounds
3 power snatches 145# in singles Replaced with Log Clean and Push Press @ same load for singles
1 rope climb 15' Our gym rope is more like 12'
row 400m
rest 6 min
16 min @80%: 2+400m in 16:12 - Breathing was a little better by this point, but I was more mentally comfortable with keeping my breathing rate down as well.
400m run
20 pushups
50 double unders
15 wall balls 20# to 10ft


A. Front Back squat @2 30X1; 3-4x4; rest 2 min - Changed as this felt more comfortable for the left knee again.  Started working on cutting the set when I feel the concentric slow, instead of grinding out the reps.  Did 215# x, Felt rep 3 slow on each set, and then the 4th reps would feel a sudden click on the left knee in the descent.  Video last set

B. Power clean; rest 20 sec/rest 3 min These are starting to come back, but volume wasn't there.  Did sets at 215 and 225#, then did 1 rep at 235#, missed the 2nd rep, dropped to 225#, missed that, then 215# missed that.  Called the sets at that point.
EMOM for 16 min This was a good challenge.  Working on keeping a double overhead grip on these with some externally rotated shoulders… great technique work on that for me.
odd - 7 deadlifts 255#
even - 2-5 pHSPU 12" for all sets - 5 (PR), 2, 3, 3, 3, 3, 2, 2 - Total 23 (PR) @ 12".  Definitely feeling better with these.

4 sets:
5 no push up burpee box jumps 20"
100m sprint
rest 4 min
4 sets:
5 viper press
AD sprint 30 sec
rest 4:30 Cut these; cancelled my competition in January and am not going to do the lactic power work as much right now… gotta get my knee recovered.


This was updated out of order but executed correctly -

AD 30 cals @90%
rest walk 1:15
rest walk 4 min
x3 9:00, 8:20, 8:19 - I may have messed up the rest period on the first set?  Didn't feel that much different in the other sets.

90 min yoga Switched to a similar style 60 minute class that is a little less intense, and earlier in the evening so I don't disrupt my sleep habits as much.  May move back to the 90 minutes as my knee improves.

Friday, December 6, 2013


A. Power snatch off blocks - build to a heavy single - 155# - Felt much better than last week.  
B. Power clean - build to a TnG 3RM 205# x 3, Got one at 215# but got slow and felt a solid pull in left distal hamstring as I attempted to control it down.
C. GH raises @20X1; 6-8x5; rest 1 min - These felt pretty bad again.  I put video of last set to get some technique advice.  Started getting sharp pains along medial left knee towards the end of each set.  

row 1000m @90% 3:41
rest 2 min
For time: ~15 minutes
12 muscle-ups 6.3.3 - Full arm extension getting much easier
15 continental cleans moderate 130#
50m single arm Farmer's Carry heavy each arm 165# - Was able to return to sets faster this week.
15 continental cleans moderate
12 muscle-ups 
rest 2 min
row 1000m (going for same time as first) Was blowing up on this row.  Wasn't getting it to read below 1:55 pace and couldn't produce anymore power without some serious burning.  Called it after 400m as I was far behind and digging a hole.  Perhaps I went too hot at the end of the muscle ups and couldn't recover my pulling.

Tuesday, December 3, 2013


A. Back squat @32X1; 4-6x4; rest 3:30 - the knee felt better and better as the sets went on.  Got as deep as I could just listening to what the knee would allow.  Felt some good glute and hamstring fatigue and activation after this. Video last set

B. Behind the neck push press from blocks 2-2-2-2; rest 2 min - focused on increasing the depth of my dip with a broad chest... Felt good
4 sets:
12 ub CTB chin ups
8 burpees
40 double unders
rest 1 min 
1:16, 1:48 with 5 trips, 1:32 with 1 planned stop, 2:09 with six trips

Heavy breathing at the end of this - breathing coordination felt like the limiter with the double unders... 

200m run
rest 1 min
rest walk 3 min
11:28, 11:36 - didn't feel like I was slower, but a second or two add up.  Felt great with this.  Left hamstring was really feeling weak, but much better strength in the lower leg is giving some good support to the knee.  

Sunday, December 1, 2013


15 min @80%: 3+332 - all ttb ub
12 toes to bar
40 double unders
row 600m
rest 6 min
15 min @80%: 2+405
2 squat cleans 165#
3 burpee muscle-ups
run 800m
rest 6 min
15 min @80%: 3+427
12 toes to bar
40 double unders
row 600m

Feeling steadily better with the knee.  Swelling goes down a bit each day, this has been a typical time period to remove the swelling but energy and motivation are good.  Only "limit" now is speed into the squat bottom.  It will continue to improve.


A. Front squat @20X1; 3-5x4; rest 2 min front squats still uncomfortable - did back squats instead - - depth was challenged due to some residual swelling and had to love slow in bottom of squat video 

B. Power clean; rest 20 sec/rest 3 min - last set challenging
EMOM for 14 min
odd - 9 deadlifts 225#
even - 2-4 pHSPU

Done - focused on dead lifts with external rotation of shoulders to keep upper back posture, felt differently challenging but really solid and quick.
Hspu - 12"x4.4.4.2(miss 3rd), then 8"x4.4.4 - a good challenging effort
4 sets: accidentally did three sets here and four below
6 burpees AFAP
25 sec AD sprint
rest 4 min .24, .22, .20 miles
3 sets:
7 TnG HPS replaced with viper press with log 95#
100m sprint
rest 4:30 :

Knee felt really good after this, swelling continues to diminish and speed from flexion to extension and back improves.


Still puffy, but no clicking when walking

A. Power snatch off blocks - build to a heavy double -  blocks at upper 3rd of thigh - 135# - was losing anything heavier forward.
B. Power clean - build to a TnG 6RM 195# - was favoring away from left on catch at this weight, and had trouble getting it to load so stopped here
C. GH raises @20X1; 6-8x5; rest 1 min did 5x6 - lots of clicking and much harder than last week.  The knee swelled a bit after this, but got a lot of good self MT to free some things and a great hike later this evening helped as well
Did this portion Friday am to lessen the intensity of Thursday - felt pretty good going into this on Friday, and great after it.
AD 1.5 mile @90% 4:08 (7s faster than previous week)
rest 2 min
For time:
20 toes to bar ub
10 continental cleans moderate 130#
5 ub muscle-ups done with hip extension before elbow pull, this is getting much better
50m single arm Farmer's Carry heavy each arm 165# - did as 2x25/arm with brief rest - felt stronger than last week.
5 ub muscle-ups same as above
10 continental cleans moderate some clicking towards end of set- but slowed down and corrected it.
20 toes to bar ub
rest 2 min
AD 1.5 mile (going for same time as first) 4:00

Wednesday, November 27, 2013


Knee felt puffier in am, poor sleep due to eating some rancid butter?

row 400m @90%
rest walk 1 min
rest walk 4 min

124.0 - 1:27.0
1:29.5-1:26.5 Split +10.5
1:25.4-1:28.4 Split -6.1

Knee felt good after this, still less stiff
After an afternoon of self-MT it is feeling best it has since Friday… 60 Minute Yoga this evening after a short hike in the snow.

Good sleep planned tonight and a free day tomorrow.  Planning a longer hikePM
90 min yoga


Knee is puffy but feels good… just slow to bend
A. Back squat @32X1; 5-7x4; rest 3:30 Video first and last

B. Squat clean 155#x4 EMOM for 7 min was not feeling stable in the knee so stopped this after two sets.  Replaced in pm below
C. Behind the neck push press from blocks 3-3-2-2; rest 2 min - last rep of 190 and 205 was very tough.  I think I need to prove the depth of my dip without coming onto toes.
4 sets:
35 double unders
9 burpees
9 muscle-ups
rest 3 min sucked up the ego to work on straighter arms.  Certainly tougher, but I can feel it will be beneficial in the long-run - 

3:09 - 3/2/1's
3:19 - 3/1's - 1 miss
3: 55 - 1's - 2 miss
3: 35 - 1's - 0 miss

The knee was a little more swollen in afternoon, but not painful.


To add in some more squatting - I did 10x3/arm 1-arm Overhead Squats with 45# DB… moderate challenge, but mostly working on some torso and ankle imbalances.  
200m run
rest 1 min
rest walk 3 min

x2 - 10:32, 10:26 - Knee felt stiff at the start, but really good by the end.

Monday, November 25, 2013


Woke friday morning with some significantly stiff hips and a slightly puffy knee.  The knee got puffier and hips stiffer as the day went on.  My personal Dx is that I stretch weakened a bunch of hip extension Wed PM and then blasted it on Thursday.  Perfect combo for an overload.  I had lots of trouble squatting deep (couldn't) and clicking/grinding in the knee as I walked.  Cut out the Sat PM and Sunday/Monday for self-manual therapy and rest.  

I think this will be good in the long-run, but found some weaknesses and blasted them too much!

A. Front squat @20X1; 4-6x4; rest 2 min - 185x6x2 Shallow and 205#x6x2 shallow - Longer rest period in order to perform some self-manual therapy.  Video last set, deepest of them all.  At bottom I feel a significant pull and tightness in the posterior knee.

B. Power clean; rest 20 sec/rest 3 min - 185 x 1, 205# x 2 sets - Set up felt tough as knee bend was uncomfortable, but able to get a solid pull and catch.
5 sets:
15 deadlifts 135#
15 hspu
15 toes to bar
rest 2 min 
1:12 - UB
1:20 - UB
1:18 - UB
1:33 - 15/15/7.4.4
1:36 - 15/15 6.3.4
Feel good with this effort.  Toes to bar are really improving.  
4 sets:
3 burpees AFAP
25 sec AD sprint
rest 4 min
3 sets:
7 kb swings 88#
5 burpee box jumps 20"
100m sprint
rest 4:30

15 min @80%:
9 CTB chin ups
15 box jumps 24"
run 400m
rest 6 min
15 min @80%:
10 thrusters 100#
15 burpees
0.7 mile AD
rest 6 min
15 min @80%:
9 CTB chin ups
15 box jumps 24"
run 400m

Friday, November 22, 2013


A. Power clean off blocks - build to a heavy double - Used blocks at just below hip level - Built to 210# - 215# was squatted

B. Power snatch - build to a TnG 5RM - Hamstrings felt a little tired from squats and yoga, 165#
C. GH raises @20X1; 6-8x5; rest 1 min 4x8 unweighted, then 10# plate x 8 (much tougher)
AD 1.5 mile @90% 4:15
rest 2 min
For time: 21:35
9 burpee muscle-ups
20 continental cleans moderate 130# Mostly TnG Triples and Double to finish
100m single arm Farmer's Carry heavy each arm 165#
20 continental cleans moderate 130# Mostly TnG Doubles
9 burpee muscle-ups
rest 2 min
AD 1.5 mile (going for same time as first) 4:13 without looking at clock, pushed the pace, was uncomfortable