Sunday, December 29, 2013


This felt challenging, but better than a few weeks ago.  Still without asthma meds.  I get periodic early AM breathlessness.  Starts usually between 2 and 4am.  If I get up then, I do fine.  If I try to "stay asleep" the tight breathing makes me anxious and sleep is useless.  Energy in workouts and through out day have been fine.  I often nap heavy in the mid-afternoon.

10 min @80%: 3+36
16 toes to bar 1st UB, then 8/4/4 for others
350m row
2 stone over shoulder 150#
rest 4 min
10 min @80%: 1+62
2 rope climbs 12'
20 wall balls 2x10, squats were deep and comfortable

80 double unders
Very broken, having some issues still co-ordinating ANY heavy breathing with good reps.  I KNOW I can get 10, but beyond that gets dicey as breathing increases.
rest 4 min
10 min @80%: 2+ 180
30m SA FW L 135# - Good
30m SA FW R 135# - Good
250m ski
10 chin ups supinated BF C2B
rest 4 min
10 min @80%: 1+10.4
0.4 mile AD
20 continental cleans 115# - Mostly 3's TnG
200m run
rest 4 min
10 min @80%: 3+13
16 toes to bar Same as prior, slightly slower rowing and transitions likely made the difference.  Could have pushed faster here, but wanted to just go on "feel" instead of looking at the pace/round
350m row
2 stone over shoulder

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