Friday, December 20, 2013


A. Power snatch - build to a TnG 5RM - 145# - Feeling good there; felt quick and strong to get under the bar.  Made too big a jump to 165#, hit the first and on the control down was a strong pull in left hamstring.  Standing flexion was reduced for a good 8 minutes after this, so called the sets at 145.
B. Deadlift TnG 185#x10 EMOM for 6 min - Felt great here.  Standing Flexion ROM was held steady at the end of the rest periods thru all 6 sets though took a great focus to keep mid back posture and double overhead grip.
C. GH raises @20X1; 5-7x5; rest 90 sec - felt better this week with the pad further up the thigh.  ROM was reduced immediately following each set, but returned by the end of rest period.
5 min @80% - 7 Rnds - 2.5 minutes to recover stand Flex ROM
5 hang power snatch 75# -
10 pushups
rest 4 min
5 min @80% 4+9 - 3 Minutes to recover ROM
7 thrusters 100# 75# - Didn't happen to notice the different weights for the BB work
7 toes to bar
rest 4 min
5 min @80% 6 Rounds - 2 minutes to recover ROM (could have worked harder and gotten back to 7)
5 hang power snatch 75# - 
10 pushups 
rest 4 min
5 min @80% 4+13 - 3.5 Minutes to recover ROM
7 thrusters 100# 75#
7 toes to bar
rest 4 min

Interesting biofeedback on the intervals.  ROM recovery seemed to directly relate to outputs.  Breathing was the major factor here as I could feel my belly getting very tired, but perhaps there is some mental/emotional ties to that feeling that slows me down?

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