Sunday, December 22, 2013


Started with a build to triple of Continental Clean - got to 205# x 3, a comfortable PR

A. Front squat @20X1; 2-3x5; rest 2:30 or as needed - 165#, 170, 175 (rested 3:30), 175 (rested 3:30), 180x2 - These never felt like I couldn't do another rep, but final rep felt slower and not as crisp, and there was always a reduction in ROM post effort.  Rested until ROM returned.  There are apparently some major compensations in my squatting that allows me to grind out efforts using other body parts, but perhaps they cause me to create a glass ceiling in my squatting capacity.  I will continue to keep this testing as the limit, so long as I continue to show incremental gains in volume, intensity, and density over time.  Video is one of the 175# sets with pre and post ROM testing to show the change.

B. Power clean 1.1.1x6; rest 20 sec/rest 3 min or as needed 205 (rested 2min); 215, 220, 225, 230 (rested 4:30), 230 Videos of warm up at 185# and first set of 230 with pre/post ROM testing.  Notice 185# doesn't have a change, and 230 has significant change

EMOM for 18 min
odd - 4 TnG deadlifts 275# Double overhand grip challenging, but doable.
even - 2-5 pHSPU - These felt good

4 sets:
6 rebounding box jumps (short, high turnover) 20"
100m sprint
rest 4 min didn't time these, but all powerful, quick, and 3:30-4min recovery
4 sets:
3 TnG cleans Did as a Log clean TnG from Ground - 175#
5 burpees AFAP
AD sprint 25 sec
rest 4:30 - 13, 16 (Rested 7 minutes), 16 (At 12 minutes was still length of palm distance away from full recovery, called the set)

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