Sunday, December 1, 2013


Still puffy, but no clicking when walking

A. Power snatch off blocks - build to a heavy double -  blocks at upper 3rd of thigh - 135# - was losing anything heavier forward.
B. Power clean - build to a TnG 6RM 195# - was favoring away from left on catch at this weight, and had trouble getting it to load so stopped here
C. GH raises @20X1; 6-8x5; rest 1 min did 5x6 - lots of clicking and much harder than last week.  The knee swelled a bit after this, but got a lot of good self MT to free some things and a great hike later this evening helped as well
Did this portion Friday am to lessen the intensity of Thursday - felt pretty good going into this on Friday, and great after it.
AD 1.5 mile @90% 4:08 (7s faster than previous week)
rest 2 min
For time:
20 toes to bar ub
10 continental cleans moderate 130#
5 ub muscle-ups done with hip extension before elbow pull, this is getting much better
50m single arm Farmer's Carry heavy each arm 165# - did as 2x25/arm with brief rest - felt stronger than last week.
5 ub muscle-ups same as above
10 continental cleans moderate some clicking towards end of set- but slowed down and corrected it.
20 toes to bar ub
rest 2 min
AD 1.5 mile (going for same time as first) 4:00

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