A. Back squat @32X1; 3-5x4; rest 3:30; knee still a bit puffy, worked on cutting the sets as the rep slowed to back off the intensity a bit. Then used standing flexion range to determine when I was recovered to hit another set and when to call the whole workout. 185#x3. - after each set standing flexion was reduced 2-3", then had recovered to full range following the rxd rest except for the last set. Video last set.
B. Behind the neck push press - build to a max used standing flexion to determine when I was ready for another attempt. Was usually about a minute or two longer than what I would normally rest btwn efforts. Built to 220#, pr for this lift.
3 sets:
10 db snatch 75# (5/arm)
15 toes to bar
10 burpees
15 shoulder to overhead 95#
rest 90 sec; monitored standing flexion to see how each piece felt. First set had no range change immediately following. Second set had reduced 2-3 inches immediately following, but fully recovered by the 90 second mark. Last set was reduced almost 4" and took 4.5 minutes to fully recover. The level of effort was consistent with the time to recovery.
2:24, 2;27, 2:23
row 30 sec @90%
rest walk 30 sec
x6 837m without rollover
5 sets:
10 box jumps 28"
30 double unders very challenging after the box jumps. Mental struggle on these and rather broken
rest 1 min 6:04 of work - knee was clicking a lot after this, with some extra swelling, but disappeared quick.
row 30 sec @90%
rest walk 30 sec
x6 880m without rollover
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