Wednesday, November 27, 2013


Knee felt puffier in am, poor sleep due to eating some rancid butter?

row 400m @90%
rest walk 1 min
rest walk 4 min

124.0 - 1:27.0
1:29.5-1:26.5 Split +10.5
1:25.4-1:28.4 Split -6.1

Knee felt good after this, still less stiff
After an afternoon of self-MT it is feeling best it has since Friday… 60 Minute Yoga this evening after a short hike in the snow.

Good sleep planned tonight and a free day tomorrow.  Planning a longer hikePM
90 min yoga


Knee is puffy but feels good… just slow to bend
A. Back squat @32X1; 5-7x4; rest 3:30 Video first and last

B. Squat clean 155#x4 EMOM for 7 min was not feeling stable in the knee so stopped this after two sets.  Replaced in pm below
C. Behind the neck push press from blocks 3-3-2-2; rest 2 min - last rep of 190 and 205 was very tough.  I think I need to prove the depth of my dip without coming onto toes.
4 sets:
35 double unders
9 burpees
9 muscle-ups
rest 3 min sucked up the ego to work on straighter arms.  Certainly tougher, but I can feel it will be beneficial in the long-run - 

3:09 - 3/2/1's
3:19 - 3/1's - 1 miss
3: 55 - 1's - 2 miss
3: 35 - 1's - 0 miss

The knee was a little more swollen in afternoon, but not painful.


To add in some more squatting - I did 10x3/arm 1-arm Overhead Squats with 45# DB… moderate challenge, but mostly working on some torso and ankle imbalances.  
200m run
rest 1 min
rest walk 3 min

x2 - 10:32, 10:26 - Knee felt stiff at the start, but really good by the end.

Monday, November 25, 2013


Woke friday morning with some significantly stiff hips and a slightly puffy knee.  The knee got puffier and hips stiffer as the day went on.  My personal Dx is that I stretch weakened a bunch of hip extension Wed PM and then blasted it on Thursday.  Perfect combo for an overload.  I had lots of trouble squatting deep (couldn't) and clicking/grinding in the knee as I walked.  Cut out the Sat PM and Sunday/Monday for self-manual therapy and rest.  

I think this will be good in the long-run, but found some weaknesses and blasted them too much!

A. Front squat @20X1; 4-6x4; rest 2 min - 185x6x2 Shallow and 205#x6x2 shallow - Longer rest period in order to perform some self-manual therapy.  Video last set, deepest of them all.  At bottom I feel a significant pull and tightness in the posterior knee.

B. Power clean; rest 20 sec/rest 3 min - 185 x 1, 205# x 2 sets - Set up felt tough as knee bend was uncomfortable, but able to get a solid pull and catch.
5 sets:
15 deadlifts 135#
15 hspu
15 toes to bar
rest 2 min 
1:12 - UB
1:20 - UB
1:18 - UB
1:33 - 15/15/7.4.4
1:36 - 15/15 6.3.4
Feel good with this effort.  Toes to bar are really improving.  
4 sets:
3 burpees AFAP
25 sec AD sprint
rest 4 min
3 sets:
7 kb swings 88#
5 burpee box jumps 20"
100m sprint
rest 4:30

15 min @80%:
9 CTB chin ups
15 box jumps 24"
run 400m
rest 6 min
15 min @80%:
10 thrusters 100#
15 burpees
0.7 mile AD
rest 6 min
15 min @80%:
9 CTB chin ups
15 box jumps 24"
run 400m

Friday, November 22, 2013


A. Power clean off blocks - build to a heavy double - Used blocks at just below hip level - Built to 210# - 215# was squatted

B. Power snatch - build to a TnG 5RM - Hamstrings felt a little tired from squats and yoga, 165#
C. GH raises @20X1; 6-8x5; rest 1 min 4x8 unweighted, then 10# plate x 8 (much tougher)
AD 1.5 mile @90% 4:15
rest 2 min
For time: 21:35
9 burpee muscle-ups
20 continental cleans moderate 130# Mostly TnG Triples and Double to finish
100m single arm Farmer's Carry heavy each arm 165#
20 continental cleans moderate 130# Mostly TnG Doubles
9 burpee muscle-ups
rest 2 min
AD 1.5 mile (going for same time as first) 4:13 without looking at clock, pushed the pace, was uncomfortable


AM Done first thing Thursday AM
row 400m @90%
rest walk 1:15
rest walk 4 min

1:27.4, 1:28.8, 1:28.2, 1:28.4, 1:29.0, 1:28.4
1:29.2, 1:28.1, 1:28.1, 1:28.5, 1:27.5, 1:27.8 - 1.0 sec negative split
PM Done - Could feel fatigue in hamstrings, had time to manually work left adductors to release
90 min yoga

Wednesday, November 20, 2013


A. Back squat @32X1; 6-8x4; rest 3:30 nasty and necessary - - felt tougher than it looked on video.  

B. Squat clean 145#x5 EMOM for 8 min done - last couple reps of 7 and 8 were brief grinders but solid technique
C. Behind the neck push press from blocks 3-3-3-3; rest 2 min
5 sets: done wed am
40 ub double unders
7 muscle-ups
rest 3 min the pull from straighter elbows feels really weak.  Gonna have to work in it.

Found smaller sets faster in this as sets went in
2:28 - mu
2:25 - 
200m run
rest 1 min
rest walk 3 min
7:38, 7:37 - had solid pacing in this, running fast and steady.

Sunday, November 17, 2013


30 min amrap:
12 sit-ups
10 kb swings 2pd
15 ball slams 50# did 10 box jumps at 24" instead - no 50# ball and wanted to hit 100 box jumps
0.6 mile AD

10 rounds +5 - first round was 3:27 and picked up speed the whole way.  Felt great on this, had a good push to keep speeding up a bit... When is hit the air dyne id feel acidic and be around 180 watts, but if I pushed to get back to 220 watts id feel better.

Energy levels back up after the deload.  Sleep has been great, energy btwn efforts and motivation has returned... Back to work

Saturday, November 16, 2013


A. Squat clean - build to a max 235#; missed 245# 3 times, video 235# and last miss

B. Front squat - build to a max 275# - didn't attempt 280#

5 rounds for time: 14:35 1st set unbroken - mixed grip
15 CTB chin ups
50 double unders

Thursday, November 14, 2013


A. Power clean - build to a max 270, pr for training and flat shoes
rest 2 min
B. Power clean 8 min amrap @90% of A 245, 10 reps and 4 misses.  Hit 6 in the first two minutes but couldn't maintain that pace

Did yesterday's pm run
30 muscle-ups for time 7:11 - 9, a couple doubles, a few missed attempts at doubles,  then singles.  


3000m row Z1 - 12:45
500m row @90%
rest 3 min
x3 1:43, 1:43, 1:42
10 min jog cooldown - 2 laps around block and 300m

hike or jog Z1 did Thursday afternoon btwn the power clean and muscle ups - felt a little tired so did sections of running working on foot speed and cadence.  Could hold 180-200 strides/minute for about 2-3 minutes and would stop to walk

Tuesday, November 12, 2013


A. Back squat - build to a max - 295# - video of 295 and 300 miss

For time: 5:36
5 pHSPU - 12" 4/1 - could have hit five but tipped off the wall - these felt great
30 wall balls 30# 30
50 double unders last 25 unbroken
30 wall balls 30# 10/5/15 - didn't push here
100m shuttle run
rest 20 sec
rest walk 3 min
x3 4:07, 4:07, 4:03 - felt good here

Sunday, November 10, 2013


20 min amrap @85%: 8+4
1 deadlift tough 365#
3 log push press tng very tough 135# - probably just tough, not very tough
300m row
rest 8 min
20 min amrap @85%: 7+18
10 kb swings 2pd
10 burpees
300m row

Been certainly feeling the effects of an increased accumulation phase.  Loving it, feeling some solid increases in strength, stamina, and focus.  Ready for a brief deload, but excited to get back to heavy training and the improvements it brings!

Saturday, November 9, 2013


A. Front squat @31X1; 1-1-1-1-1, rest 3 min 255.265.275(miss).255.265
B. Power clean - build to a TnG 5RM called at 205#
5 sets:
8 axle thrusters 110#
15 toes to bar
rest 90 sec 1:07 ub, 1:07 ub, 1:07 ub, 1:17 broken ttb, 1:29 broken ttb


10 min AD Z1
For time: 2:22
200m run
5 burpee box jump overs 20"
5 power snatches 95#
3 burpee box jump overs 20"
3 power snatches 95#
200m run

(take lactate before and after) 3.4 before - 6.8 after

Friday, November 8, 2013


A. Power clean off blocks - build to a max - 2" above knee - 250#
B. Power snatch - build to a TnG 3RM in 10 min 185# x 3
5 continental cleans + 4 muscle-ups every 90 sec for 12 min - Used 110#, Muscle ups were all sets UB

200m of alt'ing as needed single arm farmer's walks heavy for time (take lactate before and after)
135# - 1:45 BldLac 2.6 before, 13.1 after

800m run @85% - record time, no watch during 3:08 - Pushed but no dig
rest 2 min
For time: 15:08
5 wall walks
15 stone over shoulder 150# - First set was faster than last week, second set slowed to about the pace last week was.
45 CTB chin ups in ub sets of 5
15 stone over shoulder

5 wall walks
rest 2 min
800m run - feel for the same time as first, record time, no watch during
3:07 - Much tougher, dug a bit after the hill for this one, nailed it.

Thursday, November 7, 2013


row 1 min @90%
rest 1 min
rest walk 3 min
x4 was feeling super relaxed in first set, great in second set and started to push on last interval just a touch, pushed a bit to start third set and blew up... It was only a few meters more per interval but shit started to add up!
1718, 1723, 1679, 1637

20-30 min jog Z1 28 minutes in five fingers on brp - felt good


A. Front rack yoke carry 5-10m heavy for 2 sets, rest 2 min waking up this morning my back was feeling stiff, (perhaps unrecovered from the front squat Saturday?). In warm up was having difficulty breaking 375# from the ground and 415# wasn't budging.  Decided to do a back rack - got 595# and 635# (pr) for 10m 

B. Back squat @30X1; 2-2-2-1-1, rest 3 min (depth was below parallel, but shy of the full depth I've been working with. Video first and last 

C. Squat clean 145#x5 EMOM for 6 min - done, moderate challenge and fatigue of upper back/trap region.
D1. BtN Press @3010 5-7x4; rest 90 sec
D2. CG upright row @3010 5-7x4; rest 90 sec

For time:
50 hspu 2:29 (31 to start, then mentally slowed to prevent burnout, but was far from burnout at the end)
250 double unders total time 9:58 - double unders were mostly small sets, burning shoulders were major limiter on stringing more on these sets.

100m shuttle run
rest 20 sec
rest walk 3 min
x3 6:28, 6:26, 6:29 - feeling better with these, starting to really enjoy them

Sunday, November 3, 2013


Am felt great during this.  Say on a good gear and always steady.
10 min amrap @85% 4+36
35 double unders
10 db push press log push press 85#
0.4 mile AD
rest 4 min
10 min amrap @85% 3+6
3 squat snatch 165#
3 bar muscle-ups
300m row
rest 4 min
10 min amrap @85% 4+4
6 db snatch/arm 75#
100m run
8 CTB chin ups
rest 4 min
10 min amrap @85% 4+40
35 double unders
10 db push press did log push press with 85#
0.4 mile AD

Sat pm did Sunday pm as went to clients' state xc meet.
10 min AD Z1 87 cals
10 sets:
9 box jumps 24"
0.2 mile AD
45 sec all sets 50-52 seconds


A. Front squat @31X1 2-2-2-1-1, rest 3 min 240-250-260-275-280 (a bit more shallow on 280, but below parallel); video 240.275.280

B. Power clean - build to a TnG 3RM 225, 235x2 - a little rushed to get into the next piece, and a little tired from front squat.
4 sets:
12 db thrusters tough 60#
16 toes to bar
10 CTB chin ups
rest 2:30

Challenging mentally.  When I see this I think unbroken, but know I'll have to break at some point, deciding which point is not easy
2:20 - ub
2:25 - ub-ub-7+3
4:35 - 6+6, 9+4+3, singles, couldn't coordinate the kip, felt faster to do singles... Perhaps need to just take a little longer break and hit the multiples?
5:26 - 4+4+4, 9+4+3, singles again