Wednesday, November 27, 2013


Knee is puffy but feels good… just slow to bend
A. Back squat @32X1; 5-7x4; rest 3:30 Video first and last

B. Squat clean 155#x4 EMOM for 7 min was not feeling stable in the knee so stopped this after two sets.  Replaced in pm below
C. Behind the neck push press from blocks 3-3-2-2; rest 2 min - last rep of 190 and 205 was very tough.  I think I need to prove the depth of my dip without coming onto toes.
4 sets:
35 double unders
9 burpees
9 muscle-ups
rest 3 min sucked up the ego to work on straighter arms.  Certainly tougher, but I can feel it will be beneficial in the long-run - 

3:09 - 3/2/1's
3:19 - 3/1's - 1 miss
3: 55 - 1's - 2 miss
3: 35 - 1's - 0 miss

The knee was a little more swollen in afternoon, but not painful.


To add in some more squatting - I did 10x3/arm 1-arm Overhead Squats with 45# DB… moderate challenge, but mostly working on some torso and ankle imbalances.  
200m run
rest 1 min
rest walk 3 min

x2 - 10:32, 10:26 - Knee felt stiff at the start, but really good by the end.

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