Sunday, November 3, 2013


A. Front squat @31X1 2-2-2-1-1, rest 3 min 240-250-260-275-280 (a bit more shallow on 280, but below parallel); video 240.275.280

B. Power clean - build to a TnG 3RM 225, 235x2 - a little rushed to get into the next piece, and a little tired from front squat.
4 sets:
12 db thrusters tough 60#
16 toes to bar
10 CTB chin ups
rest 2:30

Challenging mentally.  When I see this I think unbroken, but know I'll have to break at some point, deciding which point is not easy
2:20 - ub
2:25 - ub-ub-7+3
4:35 - 6+6, 9+4+3, singles, couldn't coordinate the kip, felt faster to do singles... Perhaps need to just take a little longer break and hit the multiples?
5:26 - 4+4+4, 9+4+3, singles again

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