Wednesday, July 31, 2013



6 sets:
20 double unders all ub
10 box jumps 24" rebounded, felt quick by 3rd round
8 power cleans 135# did log cleans at 95#... Felt similar effort
10 cal AD
rest 2 min

Sets were 
1:45 (warm up)
1:38 (ad start error)
1:38 (ad start error)
Felt like a good high speed stimulus

jog on the trails Z1 five fingers, mild hills, 20 minute walk, 15 min run

Tuesday, July 30, 2013


A. Jerk off blocks 3-3-3-3, 2min rest 225# across, third rep was challenging each set - this is a triple Pr
5 min row @90% (record meters) 1359 did not feel hard
2 min rest
For time:
5 muscle-ups ub
3 parallette HSPU got my first one ever in warm up, but couldn't repeat... Ended up doing these as 6 second eccentrics x 3 for each set
25 double unders ub
30m yoke walk heavy 465# (80% of 30m max)
3 parallette HSPU
30m yoke walk heavy
25 double unders ub
3 parallette HSPU
5 muscle-ups ub
2 min rest
5 min row @90% (record meters, MUST be same score as the first row) 1201 - stopped 3x... Was not able to achieve a pace to match previous 5min, mid back and hamstrings were burning and not able to dig enough, not major breathing

30sec AD @90%
30sec AD @50%
3 min walk rest
x3 each set was 90% 10-12 cals and 50% was 6-7 cals - based this on the 10 min ad test, felt good, just a small challenge

Monday, July 29, 2013


Hit this session about 60 minutes after landing from LA.  Good energy and inspiration from cf games

A. Power Snatch 105#x3 TnG EMOM for 10 min - done - focused on hitting the pocket and pulling fast with the elbows

B. Front Squat @32X2 3-4x4, 2min rest (video) -

EMOM for 14 min
odd - Russian step-ups 6 per leg tough 30" grabbed the wrong box 26" and 65# - a little wobble in the new height, would like to do the 30" next week
even - continental clean 3 tough 150# -

Did 3x6 on each leg (alternated odd minutes) and 6x3 cleans (alternated overhand on even minutes) - took 12 minutes

Could feel upper/mid back fatigue with squats and continental cleans - felt like a solid session.

jog on the trails Z1 not enough time in evening... Skipped this one

Tuesday, July 23, 2013


A. Squat Snatch – build to a max - 195# - felt a bit sluggish from travel

2min rest
B. Squat Snatch 20 reps for time at 77% of A - 5:50 at 150#, 10 reps at 2:10 with doubles

60 minute barefoot hike in temescal state park

Did this on Tuesday am

A. Squat Clean - build to a max - 245# (power clean and front sq) power clean of 255# but missed the squat

150 wall balls for time 7:20 - focused on deep squatting for this.  Muscular stamina of shoulder/trap and deep squat for quads was limiter. About 50s off pr, but definitely deeper squat : partition of Chipped away to finish

Saturday, July 20, 2013


5 rounds for time:
1k row
15 thrusters 75#
15 burpees
15 pullups

38:20 - splits were 
6:19 ub
6:50 ub - slower row after the pull ups
7:47 ub - MUCH slower row after the ub
9:20 broken - pathetic row after the ub, couldn't get below 2:20/500, decided to break the other pieces and see how it went
8:04 ub - row faster, and back to ub to finish

This felt tough as shit to find the right pace.  UB pieces didn't feel hard, but I could feel a dramatic difference in the power on the rower.

Friday, July 19, 2013


A. Front Squat - build to a max - 255# (265# was shallow)
B. Wtd Pullup - build to a max - 287# chest to bar - pr - (188 body weight and 99# added)
10min AD for max cals - 239 (pr by 21 calories, felt good and have more in the tank)

Thursday, July 18, 2013


A. CGBP - build to a max - 255# (pr)
10min rest
B. CGBP @30X0 amrap @85% of A 215#x3
C. Power Clean - build to a max 255# (ties training PR - 20# under competition pr)
2min rest
D. Power Clean 8min amrap @90% of C 230# x 10 (6 misses) - tougher than anticipated.

Tuesday, July 16, 2013


A. Back Squat - build to a max - 305# - with video review I needed to get deeper than I was feeling was deep enough, this is what I did getting deep.  I can get deeper than this and am considerably weaker... Perhaps a good area of opportunity?

10min rest

B. Back Squat @30X0 amrap @85% of A - 260#x3

C. DB RFESS @3010 8RM - 80# DBS x 8/leg - highest DBS in gym, probably wouldn't get 8 at 85# though
D1. DB External Rotation @3010 8RM, rest as needed 25#x8+ L 6R
D2. DB Powell Raise @3010 8RM, rest as needed 25#x8+ L 7R
+2k row for time - 7:20.3 - 400m Splits were 1:47 Ave, 1:50, 1:52, 1:53, 1:47

Monday, July 15, 2013

I'm back

Things have gone well.  I'm back posting so my coach can view results/videos of my program.

Starting with some testing

A. Strict press max -140#, have done 150/155 but haven't put much emphasis here in the last few weeks as it wasn't imperative for my competitions.

B. max L sit - about 33 seconds

C. 30 muscle ups for time - about 7:11 (pr)

D. 50 HSPU for time 5:27 - 25 reps at 90s

E. 10m amrap of 25 UB double unders - 13 sets with 6 missed sets - rib cage got pretty tight about 5 minutes after this.