Friday, December 27, 2013


A. Power snatch - build to a TnG 3RM - 165 - Still improving and getting more comfortable again
B. Deadlift TnG 205#x8 EMOM for 8 min - A solid challenge, took about a minute to fully recovery from the last set, so was still on pace
C. GH raises @20X1; 5-8x5; rest 90 sec - (3 minute recovery from last set) - Was feeling great on these, and with full recovery from each set started added a little loading.  Little to no clicking in the knee

2 sets:
Found some really interesting panic/anxiety with this breathing, that I once thought was coupled with fatigue, but recovery was continually spot on so felt more comfortable pushing thru the anxiety.  Heading into the last set I thought for sure I wouldn't be able to maintain the breathing rate, but stuck with it, and felt solid.

5 min @80% - 2+11, 2+12 (each ~4 minutes to recovery)
9 burpees
5 thrusters 100#
30 double unders

rest 4 min
5 min @80% -
5+8, 5+1 (7-8 Minutes recovery from last set - was near puking on this one, the toes to bar were all UB but certainly were the most burning piece of this, and I believe led to the puke feeling)
8 box jumps 24"
8 toes to bar
5 deadlifts 115#
rest 4 min

The standing flexion testing is really showing where I push when I shouldn't, and hold back when I shouldn't… eye opening and enjoyable to feel.

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