Wednesday, January 1, 2014


A. Back squat @32X1; 2-3x5; rest 3 min turned a corner on squatting today.  Felt much better than recent weeks.

175 (no change), 195 (2minutes), 205, 210, 215x2 (2min), 215x3, 220, 225 (4 min), 225x2 (6 minutes)B. Jerk balance light 2 reps for 2-3 sets 135
C. Push press x2 + PJx1 - every 90 sec for 6 sets 175#x4sets, 180# x 2 sets; recovered each set by end of the minute.
3 sets:
1 rope climb
20 wall balls
50 double unders
rest 3 min double unders really challenge the breathing structures.

2:34, 2:36, 2:43 - each was about 3 minutes to recovery and sets of 7-15 on double unders.
For time:
thrusters 95#
chin ups

Non medicated pr - 3:59 - ROM recovery was immediate and I was challenged to breathe for the 15's, this was done in a small class with no extra mental excitement.  Pleased with the progress sans meds - sleep was fine after this.

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