Friday, January 17, 2014

Travel 1/6-1/17

Travelled across the country in a road trip to LA for the OC Throwdown with Shanna and Nadia.

On Tuesday - Back Squat to 245# x 2; Power Clean x 1, Push Jerk x 2 - 235# (PR), Then accumulated 25 Back Squats with 185#.  PM did a 24 minute EMOM of Pistols x 4 and Rebounding x 20-30

Wednesday - 2 hour mildly athletic hike thru a lava flow in New Mexico with some hopping over open faults.

Thursday - In Flagstaff - TnG Power Snatch of 185# x 3; EMOM of 225# x 6 Deads for 8 Minutes; GH Raises of 4x10@20#.

Friday - 30-40 minutes of Bouldering in Joshua Tree NP.

Saturday - EMOM x 12-15 Minutes of odd - 4 Strict HSPU's and even - 4 Pistols in the Hotel room

Sunday - Off

Monday - Off

Tuesday - AM workout at Sunset Cliffs in San Diego with Nadia.

20 min EMOM of
Odd - 30m Slight incline sand dune sprint
Even - 3x2 24-28" Jumps.  Up to ledge, then immediately up and forward to another ledge x 3


20 min EMOM -
Odd - 4 Pistols
Even - 8 Spiderman Push Ups
Last 2 minutes did AMRAP Sets - 32 pistols and 28 Push Ups - Tough breathing challenge here

Then had about 2 hours of bouldering in the PM

A. Squat Clean Thruster - 205# x 1 (PR)
B. 20 reps at 165# - 7:50
C. 12-9-6 - Dead Lift and HSPU - 9:00 - Tough breathing for B/C as well.  HSPU's were easy

20 min @ 80% - Row 500m; 15 UB TTB; 45 UB Double Unders
Warming Up I could feel the double unders were challenged in breathing, so wanted the steady 20 minute breathing, instead of excessive resting to restore the co-ordination.  Replaced the Double Unders with an AMRAP set and finished with rebounding for 45 total and focused on some belly breathing… increasingly difficult as the TTB rounds climbed.
Got thru 5 rounds, Took about 15 minutes before the lower trunk breathing felt recovered.  Travelled 4 hours and slept great that night.

Friday - Travel home - Off

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