Friday, October 25, 2013


A. Power clean off blocks 3-3-2-2-2, rest 2 min 2 inches above knee). twice) - 245 was a pr from this height.
B. Power snatch - build to a TnG 3RM in 10 min 175x3, 185 was power snatch then squat snatch.  175x3 is non competition pr.
C. Added build to 3rm of log clean... Was an easy morning with therapy so had some extra energy.  Got 185#x3 which ties a pr.  Added video below.  I lose elbow flexion and scap retraction heavily on this.  

800m run @85% - record time, no watch during -
3:26 - Slowed it down a bit to make sure I could get faster... perhaps yesterday's pacing had me slowing a bit too much.
rest 2 min
For time:
6 muscle-ups UB
12 continental cleans moderate 130# - This is feeling easier and I could go a little heavier - A couple TnG here
3 TGU/arm tough - 72#, did just the up, then set the weight down... no turkish get down.

50m single arm Farmer's Carry heavy each arm
155#, easier than last week, but the extra 10m UB was a bit nasty
12 continental cleans moderate Did a set of 4 TnG here, and then doubles to a couple singles in finish.  

50m Single arm Farmer's Carry heavy each arm
Nasty... when I finish this it takes a good 30 seconds to re-inflate my rib cage... did these and above UB
3 TGU/arm tough Same, felt more stable after the farmer carry work
12 continental cleans moderate TnG Doubles and a couple quick singles to finish.
6 muscle-ups UB, but took a good 90-120s after the last CC to chalk and get to it... could go faster but wanted the UB
rest 2 min
800m run @85% - record time, no watch during 3:11 - Really pushed the latter half of this one... felt like I was gonna be slower as the work effort was so much greater... pleased it was faster... next time a touch faster on the start!

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