800m run @85% - record time, no watch during - 3:26 - Slowed it down a bit to make sure I could get faster... perhaps yesterday's pacing had me slowing a bit too much.
rest 2 min
For time:
12 continental cleans moderate 130# - This is feeling easier and I could go a little heavier - A couple TnG here
3 TGU/arm tough - 72#, did just the up, then set the weight down... no turkish get down.
50m single arm Farmer's Carry heavy each arm 155#, easier than last week, but the extra 10m UB was a bit nasty
50m Single arm Farmer's Carry heavy each arm Nasty... when I finish this it takes a good 30 seconds to re-inflate my rib cage... did these and above UB
12 continental cleans moderate TnG Doubles and a couple quick singles to finish.
6 muscle-ups UB, but took a good 90-120s after the last CC to chalk and get to it... could go faster but wanted the UB
rest 2 min
800m run @85% - record time, no watch during 3:11 - Really pushed the latter half of this one... felt like I was gonna be slower as the work effort was so much greater... pleased it was faster... next time a touch faster on the start!
rest 2 min
800m run @85% - record time, no watch during 3:11 - Really pushed the latter half of this one... felt like I was gonna be slower as the work effort was so much greater... pleased it was faster... next time a touch faster on the start!
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