Wednesday, October 23, 2013


A. Front rack yoke carry 5-10m heavy for 3 sets, rest 90 sec 375.395.415x6, rest 20s then last 4m
B. Back squat @30X1 2-3x5, rest 3 min - video first and last

C. Squat clean 135#x5 EMOM for 12 min done, good challenge
D1. BtN Press @3010 7-9x4; rest 90 sec 95.100.105x7.105x8
D2. CG upright row @3010 7-9x4; rest 90 sec 95.100.105x7.105x8
4 sets:
12 wall balls 30# to 10 ft
12 hspu
55 double unders
rest 2:30

2:05 - 4 trips
2:11 - 6 trips
1:55 ub
2:40 - 1 break in hspu, 3 trips

Shoulders burning pretty good on this... Combo of the muscle endurance earlier in day and heavier ball.

100m shuttle run
rest 20 sec

rest walk 2 min

Found some mental demons on this.  Went 3:05, was breathing heavy still at the end of 4 minute break, then 3:07 and was still breathing heavy and not prepared to go back for third set.  Brought back some high school demons with basketball wind sprints, even though I knew I was moving too fast the thought kept popping in about not going fast enough and pushing thru.  Called it, and will hit again later with more appropriate mindset!

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