Sunday, October 20, 2013


A. Front squat @31X1 3-3-3-3, rest 3 min - video first and last - felt strong and deep with this

B. Power clean - build to a TnG 3RM 225# - solid - pr is 235 and I missed second rep at 240 due to poor re-grip.  Video is 225#
4 sets:
8 thrusters 135# all unbroken, done with axle
12 CTB chin ups 12 bf, 11bf/1 standard kip, 9bf/3sk, 7.3.2 bf - coordinating breathing with the pull ups was the challenge, and why I lost the rhythm and why i broke on final set.
rest 90 sec
GH raises @20X1 5-8x4; rest 1 min - all unweighted, last set was challenging on last few reps - these were crazy hard some months ago.

4 sets:
90 sec AD @85%
15 burpee box jump overs 24"
rest 3 min

Did not get to this.  I didn't have the motivation on Saturday pm not on Sunday pm.  Realized I needed something in life to cut back on to make room for rest and recovery... I felt great about the rest of the week and would like to have room for the extra work as it will improve my capacity and I don't want any excuses next spring.  Taking six weeks without tv as I feel this has turned into a drain on my time.  I find myself not prioritizing time for sleep while I watch an extra episode.  I already feel better about the coming week.

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