Friday, August 23, 2013


A. Squat Clean TnG 140#x5 EMOM for 10 min good... Each week becomes more of a religious experience.... Challenging; focused on staying taller in squat and getting knees forward
B. Back Squat 1-2x6, rest 3 min videos are first and last

C1. CGBP @30X1 1-2x5, rest 1 min
C2. DB elbowing row @2110 3-4x5, rest 30 sec btw arms, rest 2 min did db high pulls imstead... could tell how much weaker that was last week, so wanted another week.  55.60x4x4
AD 15 sec @100%
rest 3:45
x10 - 19.15(bad start).24(a magical 15s of perfection). - this was tough... Focus required for 10 sets of 100% really drained the energy for about 30 minutes after session.  Poor vision, mumbling and jumbling words, etc.  felt fine after the 30 minutes.


jog on trails Z1 did about 10-15 minutes of running with periodic self manual therapy and walking... Could feel I was stiffer from the intervals than the normal steady runs.

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