Friday, August 23, 2013


A. Jerk off blocks 1-1-1-1-1, rest 2 min shoulders have been feeling increasingly unstable overhead each week.  This week I hit a tough 205, missed 215, went back down to 195, was tough, then missed 205... Walked away from this.  Came back about 30 minutes later to practice a little touch n go at shoulders with power clean and push press a la Ben smith.  This felt really good and I got a pr of 215# for a single.  Not sure what the difference was from ground vs blocks, but I've noticed this in the past as well.
B. 1 pHSPU every other min for 12 min done with 12" boxes, getting much better
5 rounds for time:
20 cal AD
10 kb snatch 2pd
12 ring dips
14:35 - Done as muscle up and 12 dips, 4th round got a lot harder for dips and failed the muscle up on fifth round, over to lower set of rings to finish.

30sec run @90%
30sec run @50%
rest walk 3 min
x3 felt good here.  Third set was about 30m further than 1st.  2nd felt solid as well.

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