Friday, August 30, 2013


A. Jerk - build to a max off blocks - Did as B. Smith-style PowerCleanJerk with TnG at shoulders - Felt great here, hit 225#
B. 5 min amrap pHSPU 5 reps with 2 misses off 12" boxes
EMOM for 10 min
odd - 8 ring dips Muscle up to 8 dips
even - 5 continental cleans 130# - Worked on speed from belly to shoulders, developed a drop and bounce TnG at this weight
30 sec AD @90%
30 sec AD @50%
x12 Goals were 11/6 and hit them easily. Had 185 at the 10 minute mark (9 more than my first go at 300FU!!) and 225 to finish.

Max height for 10 ub rebounding box jumps Got 36", but ground reaction time was slower than at 32", not a stand-still, but slower
"Flight Simulator"  11:42 I was scared of this when I first saw the program... but the progression of DU's came along easily and this felt very controllable to hit sets UB. missed at 38 of 40 the first time, all others UB.
ub double unders for time


Missed a few days due to travel/vacation in Keys.  Did 4 hours of sea kayaking on Monday.


A. Squat Clean - build to a max 245# - Felt strong/powerful but unco-ordinated after day of travel and weekend of vaca... for first time ever I felt stronger in the bottom of the squat than I did coming out of it... I feel good with this effort
rest as needed
B. Squat Clean amrap in 3 min @90% of A 4 Reps and 1 miss @ 220#
rest as needed
C. Squat Clean amrap in 3 min @80% of A 9 Reps @ 195#
1500m row Z1 6:20 steady

Saturday, August 24, 2013


In Florida to watch Shanna at the Crush Games.  Didn't get to a local box.  Did this at hotel:

Did strict hspu x 3; emom x 8; last three sets were tough

Then parking lot sprint x75m; every 3 minutes x 10; worked on leg speed and posture, last 2-3 were noticeably slower in leg speed.  Felt good here

Friday, August 23, 2013


A. Jerk off blocks 1-1-1-1-1, rest 2 min shoulders have been feeling increasingly unstable overhead each week.  This week I hit a tough 205, missed 215, went back down to 195, was tough, then missed 205... Walked away from this.  Came back about 30 minutes later to practice a little touch n go at shoulders with power clean and push press a la Ben smith.  This felt really good and I got a pr of 215# for a single.  Not sure what the difference was from ground vs blocks, but I've noticed this in the past as well.
B. 1 pHSPU every other min for 12 min done with 12" boxes, getting much better
5 rounds for time:
20 cal AD
10 kb snatch 2pd
12 ring dips
14:35 - Done as muscle up and 12 dips, 4th round got a lot harder for dips and failed the muscle up on fifth round, over to lower set of rings to finish.

30sec run @90%
30sec run @50%
rest walk 3 min
x3 felt good here.  Third set was about 30m further than 1st.  2nd felt solid as well.


4 sets:
60 double unders 1 miss/ub/1miss/ub
12 thrusters 115# all ub - challenge was the overhead push
25 box jumps 24" 
15 cal AD
rest 3 min tough and good.  
3:50 the thrusters took a good deal more effort by this set, slowed the box jumps and ad to follow... So rested an extra minute after this set
2:27 was able to pick the speed back up after an extra minute rest.  Close to throwing up for about 5 minutes after this


A. Squat Clean TnG 140#x5 EMOM for 10 min good... Each week becomes more of a religious experience.... Challenging; focused on staying taller in squat and getting knees forward
B. Back Squat 1-2x6, rest 3 min videos are first and last

C1. CGBP @30X1 1-2x5, rest 1 min
C2. DB elbowing row @2110 3-4x5, rest 30 sec btw arms, rest 2 min did db high pulls imstead... could tell how much weaker that was last week, so wanted another week.  55.60x4x4
AD 15 sec @100%
rest 3:45
x10 - 19.15(bad start).24(a magical 15s of perfection). - this was tough... Focus required for 10 sets of 100% really drained the energy for about 30 minutes after session.  Poor vision, mumbling and jumbling words, etc.  felt fine after the 30 minutes.


jog on trails Z1 did about 10-15 minutes of running with periodic self manual therapy and walking... Could feel I was stiffer from the intervals than the normal steady runs.

Monday, August 19, 2013


A. Power Snatch 115#x3 TnG EMOM for 16 min Done - Focused on a quick eccentric to concentric coupling, I think I lost some posture with about 4min to go, as things felt slower going overhead.
B. Front Squat @32X2 2-3x5, rest 2 min (video) - Rested 3 min btwn sets... neglected to notice the 2 min - - Continued improvement here. Videos are first and last set.

EMOM for 16 min
odd - 6 db thrusters Use thick grips on the 50# DB's, focused on good depth of squat.
even - 8 stone over shoulder moderate - 80# Dball quick x 8 - Focused on breathing while working.

30 min jog on trails Z1 missed due to dentist appt and evening appts... Will add in later as able

Sunday, August 18, 2013


Rest day -

Feeling good.  No soreness and good energy.  Definitely feeling solid in my training lately and looking forward to next season.

I think the barefoot running is great for my breathing; the cross crawl around my rib cage keeps the lungs feeling loose and fresh.  As well, I think the five finger shoe running on winding trails feels great as well.  I can feel my ankles loosening and helping the squat depth.

Saturday, August 17, 2013


10 min amrap @85% 5+27

10 cal AD
10 ball slams
10 burpees
5 min rest
10 min amrap @85% 4+61
50 double unders
8 single arm db thruster R
8 single arm db thruster L
15 sit-ups
5 min rest
10 min amrap @85% 5+13 - felt steady thru each piece... Breathing with the burpees got to be a bit more challenged during this amrap thus the slower piece, but got some therapy to serratus anterior and upper lateral rib cage and that will help.
10 cal AD
10 ball slams
10 burpees

Friday, August 16, 2013


A. Squat Clean TnG 135#x5 EMOM for 10 min Done, most fatigue was upper trap and upper back causing breathing discomfort... all sets ~20s... felt better than last week
B. Back Squat 2-3x6, rest 3 min - Pleased with the steady incremental improvements, getting far more comfortable at lighter weights deep. Videos are first and last set

C1. CGBP @30X1 2-3x5, rest 1 min
C2. DB Upright Row @3110 4-5x5, rest 30 sec btw arms, rest 2 min 50#x1, 55#x4 - Certainly a little tougher and lower than my horizontal pulling, relatively.
AD 15 sec @100%
rest 3:45

Wednesday, August 14, 2013


4 sets:
15 toes to bar
55 double unders
20 box jumps 24"
200m row
rest 3 min 
2:52 ub; 
3:32 (broke 4 times on DU); 
3:05 (lost rhythm of ttb at 12, then broke once on DU); 
3:03 (lost rhythm on ttb and broke once on DU, faster row)

jog on trails Z1 five fingers at bent creek.  15-20 minutes and one tough hill.

Tuesday, August 13, 2013


A. Jerk off blocks 2-2-2-1-1-1, rest 2 min push jerks this week - 185.195.205x2.215.225x1, 235 miss (definitely feel fatigue In upper back posture each week after Mondays... Probably limits me 10# each week)
B. 1 pHSPU every other min for 8 min tried with our 10" paralletes and wasn't close.  Then used plates and built to 10" and got 5 eom.  Plates felt more stable to push into
800m run @90% (record time) 3:15 lap around block
rest 90 sec
For time: 11:48
3 rope climbs 15' and leg less
30 pushups 25/5
15 c2b pullups ub, lost bf after 12
10 power cleans 205# couldn't get right to this... Took about 30-45s to get mentally set after first miss
15 c2b pullups chipped, started with 5
30 pushups chipped
3 rope climbs legless
rest 90 sec
800m run @90% (record time, going for same as first) 3:12... Pleased with pacing on each

30sec AD @90%
30sec AD @50%
rest walk 3 min
x3 cals/round - 147.140.139 - aim is 11 and 6 cals/30s... Sometimes get more and sometimes less... Challenged and good


A. Power Snatch 115#x3 TnG EMOM for 14 min felt solid, was working on keeping feet from moving, and hitting high pocket on 2nd pull, was catching nearly standing for most sets
B. Front Squat @32X2 2-3x5, rest 2 min (video) felt really good and deep in these. - 225 pause got a bit quick, felt like nearly passing out sensation but controlled it well.

EMOM for 16 min -
odd - 8 pistols challenging, worked on getting deeper than normal
even - 3 continental clean and press tough screwed this up a bit, did jerks instead of strict press, used 160#, which was more challenging in clean than if limited by strict press.  Each set took nearly a minute due to slow cont clean at 160#

30 min jog on trails Z1 - five fingers at bent creek.  Felt great, finished with 15 minute cool down walk

Saturday, August 10, 2013


10 min amrap @85% - 4+100, felt very steady
200m row
4 handstand into forward roll
20 kb swings 1.5pd
6 min rest
10 min amrap @85% - 4+28 - wasn't sure if I should hang on here, or break the wall ball, broke 4th and 5th wall ball, but still felt like I dig a bit too deep to recover for next piece... Not horrible, but deeper than first triplet
20 wall balls
8 c2b pullups
100m run
6 min rest
10 min amrap @85% - 3+204 - broke kbs on 3 rd round as I was feeling some loss of power on the rower in 2nd round.  Picked back up on next row, but still slowed overall from first cycle.
200m row
4 handstand into forward roll
20 kb swings 1.5pd


A. Squat Clean TnG 130#x5 EMOM for 10 min - good, noticed I was pointing my right toe out for squat, then back in for TnG portion.  Focused on keeping that stable, as that knee tends to adduct in heavy breathing with front sq/thruster workouts.
B. Back Squat 2-3x5, rest 3 min (video) - videos below of 235 and 245, noticed I need more "fire" like I worked up for the air dyne intervals below.

C1. CGBP @30X1 3-4x5, rest 1 min
C2. DB one arm row @2110 4-5x5, rest 30 sec btw arms, rest 2 min
AD 15 sec @100%
rest 3:45
x6 - noticed how crucial the start is... Big difference in accelerating the start vs. "getting into it"

jog on trails Z1 - schedule mandated I do this Saturday pm

Wednesday, August 7, 2013


5 sets:
40 double unders
15 box jumps 24"
15 kb swings 2pd
10 burpees
rest 2 min

2:17 - a bit too hesitant
2:08 - better
2:05 - a bit too deep; felt time for recovery start to lengthen
2:07 - trip on early double under, recovery time took a little more focus
2:10 - trip on double under and missed 1 box jump

Overall a great session, I like these... Very mentally challenging to stay fast and focused... Never done many mixed mode with 2 min intervals

jog on the trails Z1 no clock, 15-20 minute run, five fingers, then 40 minute walk to finish

Tuesday, August 6, 2013


A. Jerk off blocks 2-2-2-2-2, rest 2 min - 225, 225x1, 205, 215, 225, 230
B. 1 pHSPU negative every min for 8 min Done - challenging thru mid-range, felt like eyes wanted to pop
75 cal AD @90% (record time) 3:56
rest 2 min
For time: - 13:48
30m single arm L Farmer's Walk 165#
10 axle push press 160# UB
20 burpee bar muscle-ups Missed 3-4 early on, then got a better rhythm
10 axle push press 160# UB
30m single arm R Farmer's Walk 165#
rest 2 min
75 cal AD @90% (record time, look for same as first) - 3:45 - went a touch slower than needed on first set after last weeks debacle

30sec run @90% - Didn't notice this as running, did air dyne sets
30sec run @50%
3 min walk rest - 104c, 98c (likely didn't add the last easy 30, 104c, 106c



A. Power Snatch 115#x3 TnG EMOM for 12 min Done - Focused on keeping posture tall in eccentric descent
B. Front Squat @32X2 3-4x4, 2 min rest (video) 185.195.205x3.200x4 - videos below of last two sets in order

EMOM for 16 min
odd - Russian step-ups 5 per leg tough 30" 30" was tougher than expected.  Unweighted this time, but could weight it next time
even - 4 stone over shoulder heavy Done with 150# Dball - all sets in 26-30s

20 min jog on trails Z1 23 minutes - five fingers at bent creek, felt solid

Saturday, August 3, 2013


10 min amrap @85% 5+40
30 double unders
10 wall balls
10 toes to bar
8 min rest
10 min amrap @85% 4+33
15 cal AD
10 burpees
15 kbs 2pd
8 min rest
10 min amrap @85% 5+40
30 double unders
10 wall balls
10 toes to bar

Pleased with the pacing.  Limiters were toes to bar muscle endurance.

Good week.  Tomorrow will do Bowen fundraiser with two miles of running, 14 moderate deadlifts, some burpee pull-ups, box jumps, and kb thrusters.

Friday, August 2, 2013


A. Squat Clean TnG 125#x5 EMOM for 8 min more challenging than anticipated, fun, felt good, focus was keeping posture tall in descent in order to hit pocket on return, then getting deep in squat
B. Back Squat 3-3-3-3, 3 min rest (video) sets across at 225#, worked on getting deep, not just "deep enough".  Feels like it takes an extra 2 seconds to keep sinking, but doesn't look or feel that way on video.  Shanna noted I was shifting my hips, so worked on pushing more thru left leg and that helped.  Amazing how challenging it feels to squat that deep, but watching videos of raw lifters lately with heavy high bar squats, they get deep as shit... I think this is a big area of opportunity in my game.  Videos are third and fourth set in order.

C1. CGBP @30X1 4-5x4, rest 1 min
C2. DB torso row @21X0 5-6x4, rest 30sec btw arms, rest 2 min (heaviest db we have right now)

jog on the trails Z1 - 20 min five fingers on trail

Thursday, August 1, 2013


Upon waking - mild soreness in calves and feet.  Other than that, mood and energy was good.

Afternoon energy good and soreness gone.