Tuesday, February 4, 2014


3 rounds for time: 13 minutes - all mid thoracic and belly fatigue - all sets ub except last run broke at 200 and 300m to catch breathe - 5 minutes off medicated PR but mentally ok with it
400m run
21 kb swings 1.5pd
12 chin ups

A. Front squat - build to a 3rm 215# comfortable - no grunting but grunted Saturday at this weight for back squat - recovered in four minutes but called it there.

Did some back squats at 165# in between to get some focus on the back squat - - rest was 3-4 minutes and hadn't recovered the last set at 4min - total time 10:15
B. 50 db thrusters for time 40#/h did 5x10ub - 13 minutes with each set at 90s-2 min recovery each set.

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