Sunday, February 16, 2014


Yesterday evening the breathing was very challenged.  Didn't do the pm portion of the workout because it looked far beyond what I'm currently capable.  However, it's always darkest before the dawn.  At this point, I need to find what I'm currently capable of.  Here was the workout this am.

A. 15 sets of 2 for time - continental clean 95# - 20 minutes
B. Overhead squat - 115# - 8 reps and 8 minutes to recover
C. 1 arm overhead carry - 60#x80m right; 3:30 to recover and 80m left; 4 min to recover.

I feel like I have the ability to get intense but recovery is so slow.  Breathing is deep and into the belly... I think a slow volume build will be my way to go.

o2 Trainer - 12x4 at 12 mouth piece - tough but good - 11 felt negligible and like a warm-up

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