Sunday, July 29, 2012

Summary Wk 7/23-28

Monday - 

Back Sq - 7, 5, 270# x 3, 250# x 7, 260# x 5

Sh Press - 95# x 8, 100# x 8, 105# x 6
Kneel. Torso Row - 55# x 8 x 3

Tuesday - 

Games 2012 Chipper workout - Top CF athletes finished this in the 8-12 minute mark as part of full competition.  I was pleased with my effort, but was about 20:15.

Wednesday -
Some strength endurance work
Split Sq 55# x 12 x 2
Romanian DL 255# x 12 x 2
Bar Dip x 15, 11, 9
Pronated Pull Up x 9, 7, 6

Thursday - 
"Chief" - 3 Rounds - AMRAP in 3min with 1min rest: Power Clean 135# x 3, Push Up x 6, Squat x 9

Felt awesome in this.  1.5 years ago it was work to maintain 5 rounds, this time I hit 6 rounds, 6 rounds, 6 rounds + 3 power clean.  Felt easy on this.

Friday AM- 
6 Rounds - Rope climb x 1, Prowler push x 30m; Rest 4 minutes
Did pushes at 90#, 110#, and 130#

Friday PM - 
Overhead Squat x 5

Was set to do OHS x 21-15-9 with Toes 2 Bar but the 5 rep was limited by my overhead strength.  Being that is a slight imbalance for me, I opted to do DB Sh Press instead of the OHS.  Used 40 and 45# DB's with the 21-15-9 scheme with Toes 2 bar.

Saturday - 
Overhead strength was limited today by yesterday certainly.

Build to snatch single quickly - 155#
Then AMRAP in 6 min - Power Cln 185# x 4, Pull Up x 8 (Clean felt limited in catch from DB Sh Press and Prowler pushing day before
Rest 4 min
AMRAP in 6 min - Power Sn 135# x 5, Burpee x 10 (Snatch felt limited in shoulders overhead)
Rest 4 min

Row 1k - 3:39 (PR).  Had 500m splits of 1:50 and 1:49... felt great about knowing my output after 6 days of work and making it happen.

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Catching Up - Sunday, Jul 22, 2012

Haven't updated in a couple weeks.  Spent last weekend in California watching the Finals of the CrossFit Games (  Inspiring in both watching elite athletes compete and support each other, but also in being with 12,000 other spectators who must all CrossFit themselves.  I've never been close to a larger, healthier area of people in my life.  My hope is that the more our taxes go towards supporting the health care of others, that we all take care of ourselves as well as those 12,000 people do.

Here are some highlights of training the last two weeks and I'll get better at updating.

Squatting and depth drops from before the trip.  I have increased my 8 rep back squat x 40# in 2.5 months... very pleased.

This is beats any previous training session Power Clean x 15#.  Had 1.5x body weight to my shoulders but couldn't keep it.  The squats will keep climbing and so will this.

This is the second training session of the day... felt great at the start but the rest periods were not long enough to keep the effort up throughout the sets.

Monday, July 2, 2012

June 28-July 1, 2012

Did a Neera Cleanse on Friday and Saturday.  No calories except combo of water, palm syrup, cayenne pepper, and fresh lemons.  First time doing it.  Energy felt stable, hunger non-existent (I have really honed my fat-burning engine with intermittent fasting), but the emotional "I like eating" feeling was heavy in afternoons/evenings.

Took rest days Friday to Monday and have had great energy!  I think I'll plan to do this every two months.  I was feeling just a bit run down with training and now am back in action!

Changing my training template around as follows:

Monday - Off
Tuesday - Squat; Vertical Push Strength density; Vertical pull strength maintenance; Trunk flexion strength/endurance
Wednesday - Mixed Mode aerobic starting with 20-30 minutes work for a few weeks, then attempting to build volume here
Thursday - Alactic Endurance to Lactic Power circuits with emphasis on O-lift work
Friday - Off
Saturday - Squat Speed Strength; O-lift CP Battery (No TnG reps); CF-style Tester of 12 minutes and under
Sunday - Single leg, push, pull strength endurance; Pick up basketball in afternoons

Really need to improve breathing endurance and am excited to start playing some afternoon ball again.  Haven't played regularly in years.

Below was last meal before the cleanse.  It has: Grassfed Beef Filet from Hickory Nut Gap; Avocado, cooked squash, bacon, bing cherries, green leaf lettuce, lacinato, red kale, fresh fennel, red chard, chopped curry cashews, local goat cheese, and topped with extra virgin olive oil!  This is a pretty standard meal around our house!

Wednesday June 27, 2012

6 sets @ 95%: (75 seconds of work)
Front Sq 175# x 5 185, 195, 205, 205, 205
Muscle Up x 5 UB all sets
Run x 200m straight out Steady/fast

rest 7 min b/t sets

Energy felt great for this... perfect rest for high efforts