I haven't updated this blog in a long time, but training has gone incredibly well. Here are a few highlights:
I finished a cycle of my own programming 3 weeks ago. This was around the same time Outlaw was starting their own cycle heading into the competitive season. I decided to follow that blog to have some daily competition, improve my olympic lifting technique, and get plenty of heavy squatting.
My strength numbers are steadily improving, but I'm noticing I score higher on the conditioning workouts compared to the majority Outlaw athletes. Pleased with that, and owe it to James Fitzgerald and OPT for teaching me pacing/effort/intensity focusing on what I CAN do, not what Should or Could do. Here are some recent PR highlights in strength.
Back Squat - Hit 315# for a single
Front Squat - Hit 275#x3 after completing 150 burpees in a 1-hour competition
Muscle Ups - 9 in a row in a WOD, could have kept going but the workout only called for 9
Squat Clean - 255# x 1 (Have done a Power clean of 275#, but have never squatted with anything heavier than 235#)
I'm not updating the blog mostly due to time constraints. Each day of Outlaw typically consists of 3 parts, plus I have my coaching/programming responsibilities for the gym. CFA/SAC is very busy fortunately, so I've decided to prioritize training, coaching, programming, and discussions with clients/coaches ahead of training video's and blogs. We recently found out we'll be kicked out of our current space because the Kmart we sub-let from is closing. This means some extra time devoted to finding new space, negotiations with Sears Corporate on termination clauses, and negotiations with new land-lords. Perhaps someday I'll get back to the blog.
Recent Competitions -
Mayhem in the Mountains - Sep 1st in Murphy, NC - Finished 5th/~50 in Open Male Rx'd Division. Right behind a few Regional and Games level competitors.
Halloween Online Throw-down - Oct 30th - Finished 17th/122 in Open Male Under 40 Division.
Upcoming competitions -
Reindeer Games - Dec 15th in Augusta, GA
Carolina Fitness Challenge - Jan 12th in Durham, NC
I'll be competing individually in both competitions. Looking forward to it.